Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should Gmos Be Considered Part Of A Sustainable Food System

What are Genetically-Modified Foods? Genetically-Modified Foods, commonly known as GMOs, are crop plants that have been created for human and animal consumption by genetic engineering techniques of biotechnology. These crop plants have been modified in a lab to create a desired trait that has been undertaken through breeding methods. Lately, there has been major controversy and disputes on if GMOs are a solution or a problem in today’s society. Now, a question for debate is, should GMOs be considered part of a sustainable food system? Sustainability can be defined as the ability of something to be maintained or to endure itself, and takes what we, as people need to live now, without jeopardizing the needs of people in the future. GMOs have been around for years and until just recently, people are becoming concerned with them and saying they pose a serious threat to the environment as well as human health risks. On the other hand, some believe that these products are healthy and beneficial for the environment and have a great nutritional quality. I believe GMOs are both health and environmental hazards and are not benefiting society. They pose a threat for the future of food and farming all over the world. For GMO activists like Monsanto, the products they produce are healthy for the environment and are a primary component in ending world hunger. Even after hundreds of studies containing trillions of meals consisting of GMO ingredients, there has never been oneShow MoreRelatedMonsanto1132 Words   |  5 PagesMonsanto a sustainable agriculture company. Monsanto Company is a publicly traded American multinational agricultural corporation headquartered in Creve Coeur, Missouri. Founded in 1901 by John Francis, by the 1940s it was a major producer of plastics, including polystyrene and synthetic fibers. Monsanto has become the world leader in genetically modified organisms. Present in 46 countries, leader in biotechnology produces 90% of GMOs grown worldwide (soybean, rapeseed, cotton, corn, etc..) andRead MoreThe Effects Of Food On Society s Influence On Culture1591 Words   |  7 Pages Food has always had a significant influence on culture. As populations increased, societies began to function with the assumption that they must become more self-reliant to survive. At first, this simply began with cultures settling into an area and beginning to practice farming. Nonetheless, the pressure caused by growing families eventually spurred even greater innovations; pasteurization, canning, and genetic modification are all technologies wh ich have enabled safer and more reliable food. HoweverRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms ( Gmos )1780 Words   |  8 PagesAs much as food is a cultural obsession nowadays in America, food, safety, and public health is something that has not always been a priority within the development as a nation. 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