Sunday, May 17, 2020

Planning And Local Economic Development - 1183 Words

Planning and local economic development The main goal of local economic development is to build an area where people can live quality life and to improve the future economy. When we think of local economic development, planners come to our mind. For many years, urban planners plan and work with others like engineers to develop our economy. Planners work in all types of cities from large cities to small cities. Planners plan for future cities. They decided where people should live and they also identify places for people to open their small business. The goals of a planner are to plan a developed country where the environment is attractive and safe for people. In this paper, I will be talking about how planners help to develop the economy. There are many things planner does to make the economy grow; one thing they focus on is deciding where people can live. When we think of economy development, we usually do not think that places where people live matters. However, planners work on po licies that affects price of housing in a community, to make sure that low-income families can find affordable places. They place business in where they can make more profit and help the economy develop. They identify places for shopping, factories and restaurants in the community. For example, in community where they need small shops, planner would locate shops in that community. They also plan places where people can recreate such as parks, open space, sports fields andShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Implementation of City Development Plan in Turkey1310 Words   |  6 Pagesworld economic crisis. After the economic crisis, understood that the human factor, in other words, the ideas of internal and external customers are also important that their preferences should be taken into consideration. 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