Sunday, October 6, 2019

Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon 1952 Essay - 1

Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon 1952 - Essay Example This fight has taken time, and it may take more time before the racial prejudice is eradicated entirely from society (Noble 48). In Black Skin, White Masks, the author wanted to bring the attention of the reader to the racial injustice that many of the people suffered. This paper will address some of the statements in the book, and what they might have meant as they had an impact on society. Fanon Frantz was a published author who championed the fight against racial discrimination through literature. His fight for the Algerian people against colonization from the French was deeply appreciated. His analysis on the manner in which individuals were passionate about their rights against colonization was brought out in many of his works. In Black Skin, White Masks, he brings about the issue of hybridity among the African people, and the role they played in bringing about anti-colonial cultures. The acceptance of ‘hybrids’ into the French system was seen as a means to oppose colonial practices, and a means of accepting cultures across borders. By neither applying his works to either assimilation or white supremacist regimes, his works received a lot of attention (Fanon 56). In one of his famous statements, Fanon describes the manner in which Africans are racialized and forced to live. He insists that black people must put on a facade for them to get by in the white community. This is so as to allow them to have the right access to some of the elementary provisions of life. What Fanon implies in that statement is the manner in which race has deformed the manner in which people live, whether black or white. When the whites want to dominate the African continent, they have to rely on their skin colour to express their dominance and superiority. They are enslaved in their thinking that being white is the reason why they should be feared. The manner in which Africans are racialized is to

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