Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Roger Shimomura's artwork writing assignment Essay

Roger Shimomura's artwork writing assignment - Essay Example e strategies include, but are not limited to: appropriation, masquerade, subversion, juxtaposition, irony, tabulation, and disturbing stereotypical thinking. The paper will aim at undertaking the analysis in order to understand how the strategies were used to represent racism and stereotypes that were directed towards Asians and how this racist and stereotypical representation is not behind the society. In Roger Shimomura’s yellow terror, there are many themes that this works display and they can be understood by having a close look and interpretation of the collection. At the Wing Luke Asian Museum, the fact that the paintings are professional works of art that says it all. One of the paintings known as the different citizens is made up such that on the right of the painting someone sees a modest gray self portrait of Roger Shimomura. On the left side there is a ridiculous caricature of a Japanese military officer who is smiling and the officer is represented as a person who has yellow skin, buck teeth, slanted eyes and oversized ears1. Through this work of art, Roger Shimomura is trying to presents some aspects of racism that existed and until today. The artwork can specifically be interpreted as the use of artwork by Roger Shimomura to show his audience the racist lens that filtered the perception of Japanese Americans. Another obvious piece of art that depicts racism by Roger Shimomura is the Roger and Janet art work in which Roger Shimomura is shown to be a big-mouthed individual, who has buck- tooth, the stereotypical big ears, and a screaming mouth next to the blue eyed wife as depicted in the art. Examining the largest painting in the exhibition yellow terror, it is evident that Roger Shimomura uses the caricatures of Japanese soldiers, which are represented as individuals who crash, tumble and collide. Roger Shimomura himself is at the center of this chaos which pushes his eyes into a slant as if creating the nightmare mental picture of the Japanese

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to reduce student stress(time, environment) Essay Example for Free

How to reduce student stress(time, environment) Essay Manage time wisely Student feeling stress when they are no enough time to do their work. Student always like to do the last minute work, because they didn’t plan well for their time. And also student lazy to do their job early, they feel that they can finish at the end, but when the due date was come, they have to rush and finish the job in the limited time. Most of the last minute job was not as good as the job start early. Few ways that student can do to manage their time well, example like create their own timetable Most of the students always forget what they have to do because they didn’t plan at all. Student should create their own timetable to arrange their time, example like week to start to do the assignment, make sure they have enough time to complete the job well before the due date; time to start study for their exam, if student got enough time to prepare for their exam, they can gain a more good result. Result also one of the reason cause student stress, all the source of stress was related if student did not handle well. Besides that, student should jot down the list to do of the day. Example like what homework that lecturer given, or others important task should be finish, so they won’t miss out the important things. With the list to do, student can clearly know that what they going to do and can evaluate how they spending the time. Of course, while the time was arrange prop erly, student will found that they have a lot of time to do other things after they finish they tasks and work; they can arrange for others activity to take a break, example like sport activity they like, club society activity, have a high tea with friends, shopping, movie and so on. Always plan well, work hard to play harder, and must have appropriate time for rest, then the stress will far away from them. Create a good study environment A proper and comfortable environment to study is very important to student; it can influence student mood and motivation to study. If student be in a place was noisy and rowdy they will hard to focus and will feel annoying and irritating at the moment. The irritating emotion will also cause stress to student. Some factors will influence the comfortable of environment, example like noise, music, lighting, and temperature. For sure a quite place is suitable for study, some of the people need a totally quite environment to  study, but some people prefer have some music. The soft music can reconcile the mood of student and let them feel relax or not too tension. The lighting was also important to create a good environment to study, too harsh bright light was no suitable but too soft light will cause student feel sleepy. The lightness should in a moderate level to create the most suitable environment. Lastly the temperature, too hot or too cold both can make people feel uncomfortable. Some place was recommended as comfortable environment to study, the library, a peaceful coffee shop, bedroom, and a draughty balcony. People also can influence a comfortable study environment. Some students prefer a group study than individual, because they feel lonely and can’t stand off being alone, they need others friends accompany and they can have a discussion with friends when they have any question. And also friends can help student to share their stress when they feel pressure. References

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Profiling Essay -- Legal Issues, Ethics

One area of psychology and investigation, (an occupation? or shall I say craft?), many ways to refer and interpret it, with a complex past intermingling various areas of study, Profiling, like any other area of study, has both its advantages and disadvantages. Yet, how useful is it as an investigative tool? It certainly isn’t considered as a hard science, however this does not mean that is should be discarded and not taken seriously. Or does it? I say advantages and disadvantages, because whilst my personal position is towards profiling in general, it can only be used in conjunction with other, more deeply studied police work. Here I will discuss mainly its advantages and why I hold the position in favor of criminal profiling, but some disadvantages will obviously be mention in relation the advantages. As asserted by Wilson and Seaman (2007), one of the first psychological profilers was James A. Brussel, M.D in the 1950, then dubbed â€Å"The Sherlock Holmes of the Couch.† Although he was very accurate in providing the police with a profile of the criminal which helped them locate and arrest the Mad Bomber, using primarily his handwriting on letters sent to the police, his â€Å"technique was not enough in itself to change traditional law enforcement procedures.† (Wilson and Seaman, 2007). It was only in the early 1970s that the FBI Behavioral Science Unit in Quantico decided to use this profiling technique when investigating violent crimes. Here, they would profile the type of criminal involved using the crime scene itself and the various criminal MOs. Their initial investigation using this method was held in 1974 with the case of the kidnapped seven-year old girl, Susan Jaeger. Profilers predicted the kidnapper being a young, whi... ...nalytical Theory. Turvey (2001) points of the voyeurism problem and affirms that this fact alone might be a magnet for so-called profilers to join the field. This, of course, will create problems for all involved in the case. Here, another setback to profiling is formed which might reduce the profiler’s ‘expertise’, for how can on be certain of the real intention of a profiler and his compatibility to the team? Having said all this, one can say that in reality, profiling is an art and not a science, as â€Å"by itself, a profile does not solve any crime† (Holmes and Holmes, 2009). That is, however, not said to reduce all its credibility and usefulness. Profilers have helped the police and it most likely that will continue to do so in the future, but it must be kept strictly as an aid and not as the only means. But yes, all in all, it is a useful investigative tool.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Harvest of Joy :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

Harvest of Joy    It seemed pretty simple at the beginning.   My father showed me how to prepare the soil, to plant the seeds and to water them, and to harvest the vegetables.   If I sustained the garden, the garden would sustain me.   But my relationship with our garden has grown much more complicated than that.   Over time, the garden has sustained me more than I have sustained it.    In December, my father suffered a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.   His heart stopped twice during the operation, and he was not expected to survive.   He had an intensive recovery period, and I wanted nothing more than to make him better immediately.   His trauma had made me impatient and afraid to hope.   I was having trouble waiting for things to unfold naturally and wanted to know what would happen in the end. Simple, everyday decisions or occurrences took on great importance.      For six weeks, I was running between the hospital, home and work, between fear and hope, anxiety and joy.   One January morning, I went out to the garden to check on a small patch of parsley that my father kept covered with blankets to protect it from the snow.   It had been neglected since he went into the hospital.   When I uncovered it, I was surprised to find bright green and fragrant parsley. I began to become filled with hope that like that small patch of parsley that was still flourishing in the winter despite the odds, my father would flourish again as well.      By the time spring came, my father was regaining his strength.   My father and I tilled and prepared the soil, then began planting the seeds. Though I wanted them to sprout immediately, they had their own timetable.   When they finally did, I was so excited to see them pushing their way up through the dirt and climbing towards the sun. We cared for the seedlings, giving them manure, aerating the soil, watering them daily, doing everything we could so they would keep growing.   But my father would point out that the first rule of gardening is that we are not in control.   We can only wait and watch and enjoy each moment.   As the plants grew stronger, I felt myself growing stronger as well.   Slowly, I was learning to wait and coming to understand that the growth process, like life itself, has a force and rhythm of its own, and that I could rely on it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Poetry Essay

The poetry of Modern period poets contains a proliferation of feelings of isolation and alienation. Among such poets as William Carlos Williams, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Edna St. Vincent Millay and Amy Lowell, isolation and alienation are experienced as failed love, unrequited love, or love that never surpasses the sexual or imaginative stage. In their work appears the subtle delineation between society’s fascination with community and self following World War I. In short, Modern poetry indicates the decline of the romantics and the advent of unwilling self-involvement, even narcissism.Essentially, Modernism implies the inauguration of failed human relationships. Each poem relates the inability of the individual to achieve connections beyond the physical. In fact, connection are more imaginative than substantive, sought after than accomplished. Edwin Arlington Robinson’s poem â€Å"Eros Turannos† relates a woman’s love for a figment of her imagination. Th e title translates from Greek as â€Å"Love, the Tyrant† and suggests one of two possibilities: either the woman comes to realize she loves a tyrant and that her love is necessarily false, or she realizes that love is a tyrant, drawing her into an unwilling association.Robinson’s diction suggests such ambiguity, describing to readers, a love made purposely blind. The first stanza of â€Å"Eros Turannos† introduces a woman so fearful of dying an old maid that she convinces herself of bing in love: â€Å"She fear him†¦ will always ask/ what fated her to choose him†¦ all reasons to refuse him;/but what she meets and what she fears/ are less than are the downward years†¦ † (Lines 1- 6). In Arlington’s poem, a connection occurs between two people by reason of fear. Fear that the poem’s heroine will never achieve, at least the appearance of a close, personal relationship.And the relationship described in this poem is an illusion. Ar lington describes his heroine’s self denial or â€Å"blurred sagacity†, her determination to keep her lover from being â€Å"the Judas that she found him (Line 12). Perhaps, the poem’s hero becomes a Judas by reason of failing to meet the heroine’s standards – a Judas because he acknowledges his shortcomings, cognizant the heroine has little choice but to accept him. In any event, she makes do as satisfaction wins over fulfillment of a dream, choosing to view an â€Å"engaging mask† as her â€Å"prejudice delays and fades and she secures him.† Arlington signifies an inherent unnaturalness in choosing to love as opposed to falling in love. In keeping with the decline of the Romantic period’s idealistic fancy, Arlington compares the lack of sentiment with a â€Å"falling leaf†, dying nature or a cessation of the nature tendency towards the creation of life. This fall, really a growing cynicism and human weariness of formi ng attachments to others continues in the poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Her poem entitled â€Å"The Spring and the Fall† goes further than Robinson’s â€Å"Eros Turannos† to advance the idea of love as natural and life-affirming.Like Robinson, Millay describes the actual formation of love but one-sided as her heroine entertains the notion of love, holds out for it only to find it as elusive. She falls in love during the spring and by the fall of the year knows it will remain unrequited. To love, Millay seem to indicate, comes naturally as the seasons. Her overall message that similar creatures unable to connect exist outside the natural order. The first line of each stanza in â€Å"The Spring and the Fall† have the sound of forced jauntiness, wearing thin by the poem’s conclusion: In the spring of the year, in the spring of the year†¦In the fall of the year, in the fall of the year†¦ Year be springing, or year be falling†¦ Less and less does the poem’s heroine seek to disclose her feelings, as first her lover â€Å"broke [her] a bough of blossoming peach†¦ and [then] broke [her] heart. † It is worth noting that her heart, as symbolized by â€Å"the blossoming peach†¦ was out of the way and hard to reach†¦ † Millay describes a being isolated from its natural instincts: for humans, a need to make oneself available for connection. There is also a sense that the poems events happen in spite of the heroine not to her.For example, the disconnection from her lover occurs gradually and so completely that she states, as though from the periphery, some place of emotional detachment: â€Å"Tis not love’s going hurts my days, /but that it went in little ways. † Surely, a more profound and true love disappears with one cathartic event or not all. Perhaps Millay describes the love found in Amy Lowell’s â€Å"Patterns† where it is shrouded in sexual feelings and imagination. Lowell’s heroine seeks the distinction of becoming Lady to a Lord Hartwell, a colonel killed in battle. The relationship between the two seems insubstantial, based solely on her passion, her perspective.She consistently refers to her suitor in the future tense: â€Å" he would, till he, we would. † In fact, the very nature of their relationship is one of a pattern rather than an actual series of occurrences. And she seems inordinately objective with her statements of â€Å"I should like to; I would be; I would choose; I shall go; I should see; or I shall walk. † Clearly there are few definitives in her connection to the Colonel and even upon his death she remains unable to connect to others, stating, â€Å"And the softness of my body will be guarded from embrace†¦ For the man who shall loose me is dead† (Lines 103-05).Lowell’s description of this ephemeral love is also quite sexual, the heroine seemingly more desirous of rele ase than possession. Sexual imagery pervades the poem. Her reference to herself as a plate proceeds a description of her dress’ train as â€Å"a pink and silver stain on the gravel. † Following the Romantic tradition of comparing a woman’s chastity to porcelain dishes, she exists in a virginal state and a rather uncomfortable one based on the imagery. Lowell’s heroine is also constantly depicted amidst nature but not part of it, admitting. in a telling statement, that there is â€Å"not a softness anywhere about me†¦For my passion/ wars against [my dresses] stiff brocade†¦ † She goes on to state that â€Å"the daffodils and squills/ Flutter in the breeze as they please†¦ † The implication being that she cannot. And unable to connect with nature, with her sexual feelings she projects them upon images surrounding her. Flowers, indicative of female sexuality, fall upon her chest. She sees â€Å"the plashing of waterdrops in the marble fountain†, which symbolizes the female womb, an image she cultivates for the reader as she imagines a â€Å"woman’s softeness† bathed in the fountains marble basin.A mass of contradictions and ambiguity the heroine is clothed in warm, girlish pink and the uninviting, coldness of silver. The brocade texture of her gown invites the touch of an observer but its thickness repels sensation from the wearer. Lowell clearly captures the modern disinclination to rejoice, as did the Romantics, in a desire to love or feel loved. It is a sentiment echoed in the poetry of Lowell’s fellow Modernist, William Carlos Williams. His poem â€Å"Portrait of a Lady† invokes a strong sexual recognition in the reader of love’s physical expression.Paradoxically, the reader sense the narrator of the poem is left untouched by such feelings. How else could the narrator so capably articulate his feeling without a certain detachment from them? As though mocking the Romantic period, Williams deliberately appeals to certain Rococo aesthetics. And in so doing invokes two very popular painters of the French Rococo period: Watteu and Fragonard. Given that the above painters belonged to a period intent upon heralding the joys of simple pleasure, it seems worth noting that Williams somehow manages to complicate love.He state’s his lady’s thighs touch the sky but will only describe it as that one â€Å"where Watteau hung a lady’s slipper†¦ † Such vivid imagery of the sexual act is lost in the author’s hesitant manner, an ambiguity furthered with question marks and dashes which seemingly connect ideas but actually conveys detachment. He cannot decide if his lady’s â€Å"knees are a southern breeze – or a gust of snow. † In essence his disconnection from her leaves him unable to decide her sexual compliance or resistance. It is a confusion that reappears in his poem â€Å"The Rose. † E ver a symbol of the Romantic period, William considers the rose â€Å"obsolete.† Its soft, velvety texture, from Williams’ Modernist perspective, â€Å"renews itself in metal or porcelain. † He compares the effort love requires to doing geometry and finds it more cutting than a broken plate. If â€Å"the rose carried [the] weight of love† Williams postulate, â€Å"[then] love is at an end†¦ † And when he says â€Å"the fragility of the flower, unbruised penetrates space† Williams elevates love to the level of the sublime. Unlike the Romantics, he seems intent upon proving Modern humans incapable of achieving love, connection, or true transcendence from one’s self-containment.Clearly feelings of isolation and alienation pervade modern life. And if art imitates life then William Carlos Williams, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Edna St. Vincent Millay and Amy Lowell accurately recreate that feeling of disconnection in their poetry. Their ability to capture Modern individual’s unwilling self-involvement indicates the decline of Romantic ideals. In short, the concern for betterment of others which fueled the Enlightenment, French and American Revolutions gave way to a self-protective form of narcissism. As a result the poetic form, often associated with protestations of love, came to convey disillusionment with the emotion.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Medical Ethics3 essays

Medical Ethics3 essays Medical Ethics Bioethics comprise every possible aspect of health care, medical, moral, social, political, religious, legal and financial? (Weiss 3). This includes the questions raised by new research. It takes a look at the results of that research that is used on patients. It takes into consideration contemporary ideas of personal freedom and human dignity. It deals with growth in medical services available in the United States and the sky rocketing cost. Bioethics also deals with the medical advances in technology that has reshaped traditional medical ethics. Medical ethics have changed drastically over a period of years. From old commandments to new commandments, guidelines that provide structural framework, classic experiments that challenge that framework, or even how things are defined in medical ethics.Medical progress goes on, and the perils of progress must be heeded? (Leone 165). Changing times have in turn changed our codes of ethics. There are five old commandments of et hics and five new commandments of ethics. These commandments come from many years of heavily advised dictates from various people. A commandment by definition is, ... a dictate or a strongly advised piece of advice? (Halsey 201). The first traditional commandment is, Treat all human life as of equal worth? (Singer 190). This statement is very difficult to follow; almost no person believes this statement whole-heartedly. The statement makes more sense on paper or just being heard, but its application in life is almost impossible to ensure. In comparison to the first old ethic, the first new ethic states,Recognize that the worth of human life varies? (Singer 190). This statement allows for variation and livability in society. It gives way for someone to say, if a person is a vegetable, has no vital capabilities, this person's life is of no worth anymore. Without this sort of change in today's advancing civilization, it would make it ethically wrong topull ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

What You Need to Know About Returning To Work After Having a Baby

What You Need to Know About Returning To Work After Having a Baby It’s awfully hard taking a leave from work to go and have a baby. It’s even harder leaving that baby behind to go back to work- even if you love your job! So whether you’re going back for monetary necessity, or because you have to keep your place in your career, or because you love what you do, here are a few tips to help ease your transition. 1. Start childcare plans early.If you want in on a specific day care center, get on their waiting list ASAP- sometimes even before the baby is born. Either way, set up who will be caring for your child in advance of needing it. Visit the facility or meet the person in advance. Maybe even do a dry run to make sure things don’t all crash and burn the minute Mommy/Daddy leaves. Having a good, safe option that you and your family feel good about will help ease your jitters.2. Stock up on supplies.You’re going to need a bunch of supplies for whomever is taking care of your kid. Buy things like breast milk bags and nursing pads and diapers in bulk. Make a checklist of all the things your baby needs when going out of the house and make sure to pass it along to your child minder.3. Start out slowly.Don’t go right back into full time. See if you can do part-time the first week or two, just until you iron out all the kinks and get your family settled in the new routine.4. Stay in touch.It’s okay to ask for regular updates throughout the day- a quick text or photo will often do to help you keep from worrying and focus on your work. If you are the type to call in every day, go for it!5. Talk to a lactation expert.If you’re a mom who’s going to keep nursing, talk to a lactation consultant and start figuring out your pumping schedule. Make sure you’re comfortable with your system before you dive into it. Get your baby used to drinking your milk from a bottle- to make sure she takes it- especially from someone else. And make sure to have the pumping conversation with your boss so she’s best prepared to support you. Your HR department should make it very easy on you and find you somewhere private and dedicated for when you need to pump.6. Plan everything the night before.After bedtime is your best friend. Pretend like you’re back in school again: lay out your clothes, pack your lunch, prep breakfast, pack the diaper bag, get organized, etc. This time will be less harried than the morning and will also mean you get more quality time before heading off to work each day when you aren’t running mad with stress.7. Don’t take work home.Your boss should understand that you have a brand new family at home. Leave your job when you come home and don’t pick it up again until you arrive the next morning. Life is too short to be missing your already limited family time being glued to projects or emails.8. Don’t feel guilty.Work is important to sustain your family. Even if you don’t have to work for the money- m aybe your partner makes more than enough to go around- if you’re going back to work because you love your job†¦ that’s important. Either way, you’re setting a wonderful example for your kids.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Global Integration

America’s Political System The United States of America is considered to be a land where freedom reigns and all persons in this land are afforded equal opportunities in every facet of life. Such liberties exist because this country adheres to democratic ideals. America may not fit exactly into Aristotle’s definition of democracy, ‘the rule of the many’, but it is no less democratic in that the people are represented by authoritative figures whom they elected. The word democracy is used here as a theory characteristic of those nations who choose to follow its principles. Democracy is also one of the five elements of America’s political system, the other four being liberty, equality, civic duty, and individual responsibility. Each of these five components significantly shape the intricacies of how this country operates on a daily basis, and are integral to preserving the freedom provided by it. To single out any of these elements would throw off the balance created by the compos ition of them. Despite this, it is my opinion that liberty, equality, and democracy are imperative to American life and the individuals living in this great country. Liberty has many definitions, varying in regards to the manner in which the word is used. However, each definition is overshadowed by a pervasive theme of freedom of choice. In reference to America’s political system, liberty is critically fundamental. American people hold their liberties in high esteem, with the conviction that they should have the capacity to do as they please, on the sole condition that no one gets hurt. Liberty has always been one of the core building blocks upon which this country stands, and it remains so today. With liberty, each individual is responsible for the consequences of their actions. It is only logical to take the position that, knowledgeable of the cause and effect of one’s actions, that person will act in a manner conducive to the i... Free Essays on Global Integration Free Essays on Global Integration America’s Political System The United States of America is considered to be a land where freedom reigns and all persons in this land are afforded equal opportunities in every facet of life. Such liberties exist because this country adheres to democratic ideals. America may not fit exactly into Aristotle’s definition of democracy, ‘the rule of the many’, but it is no less democratic in that the people are represented by authoritative figures whom they elected. The word democracy is used here as a theory characteristic of those nations who choose to follow its principles. Democracy is also one of the five elements of America’s political system, the other four being liberty, equality, civic duty, and individual responsibility. Each of these five components significantly shape the intricacies of how this country operates on a daily basis, and are integral to preserving the freedom provided by it. To single out any of these elements would throw off the balance created by the compos ition of them. Despite this, it is my opinion that liberty, equality, and democracy are imperative to American life and the individuals living in this great country. Liberty has many definitions, varying in regards to the manner in which the word is used. However, each definition is overshadowed by a pervasive theme of freedom of choice. In reference to America’s political system, liberty is critically fundamental. American people hold their liberties in high esteem, with the conviction that they should have the capacity to do as they please, on the sole condition that no one gets hurt. Liberty has always been one of the core building blocks upon which this country stands, and it remains so today. With liberty, each individual is responsible for the consequences of their actions. It is only logical to take the position that, knowledgeable of the cause and effect of one’s actions, that person will act in a manner conducive to the i...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Telecommunications in health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Telecommunications in health care - Essay Example ose of this paper is to talk about examples of telecommunication used I the workplace, the advantages and disadvantages of telecommunication, and new developments expected in the sector. An example of telecommunication technology used in the place of work is telephonic nurse case manager. It is used for getting timely and cost effective results by communicating and negotiating with patients, their providers and employers. The claims management process is facilitated using electronic data interface, which downloads case process documents into the patient’s claims management system. The telephonic nurse case manager is beneficial because it enables the patient to receive the appropriate treatment for his or her injuries. It is also beneficial because the patient is able to go back to work as soon as possible: the telephonic nurse case manager has a return to work plan. The use of telecommunication has a lot of advantages (Suter & Johnston, 2011). Hospitals that use telemedicine achieve reduced costs in their operations (Suter & Johnston, 2011). Suter and Johnson describe how learning is easily done through actions compared to listening. Therefore, telemedicine has the benefit of teaching patients how to take care of themselves since they will have learned through actions. Telemedicine increases the number of patients attended to by a physician (Gorman, 2011). This addresses the issue where there are very few physicians attending to the increasing number of patients (Gorman, 2011). There is a two way interactive television with a patient at one end and a physician at the other (Gillette, 2003). This is useful when a patient is not able to travel to the urban area for treatment. The use of telecommunication technology in healthcare has disadvantages when it comes to delivering the required equipment to the patients home (Gillette, 2003). In America, some states do not allow physicians from another state to perform their services to other states (Gillette, 2003).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Ethical analysis - Essay Example Even though practitioners are expected to keep the confidentiality of patient information, Richard’s case demonstrates a need to disclose the test results to his spouse. It is argued that, medical situations in which more harm would result from keeping patient information private justify breaching of the obligation of confidentiality (Cornock 18). Richard who has been away in Botswana for four moths contracted HIV and it is necessary that his wife knows the status of her husband so that she would be protected from contracting the virus. For this reason, I would contact the wife and disclose the results. However, the disclosure of Richard’s condition to his wife has to be done in the most appropriate and professional manner. This means that I will first try to counsel the husband as to why the wife needs to be informed about his condition. To protect the health of others from cross transmission of infections, practitioners are obliged to provide relevant information to the parties who are at risk of contacting a disease or infection (Kipnis 7). The decision to inform the wife is reached for the sake of her health. The wife would be informed in two ways. I would persuade the husband to inform the wife by himself and subscribe counseling sessions for the couple. It is possible that Richard could refuse this because he seems adamant to keep this information private. Therefore, I will contact the wife and arrange for a consultation and counseling session with her. During the meeting with Richard’s wife, I would inform her about the health condition of the husband in the most straightforward manner. This will be followed by a counseling session in which I will advice her that she and the husband would live positively regardless of his positive HIV status. My duty of care is towards the whole family. If the wife is informed about her husband’s condition, she would take measures of protecting herself from being infected by her husband. In this case, I

Is Anthropogenic Global Warming a problem and if so, why is it not Essay

Is Anthropogenic Global Warming a problem and if so, why is it not being solved - Essay Example 47). This paper will discuss the phenomenon of AGW, understand the problems and causes and examine counterviews that do not support these views. The paper will also examine the reasons as to why the problem has not been solved. 2. Understanding 'Anthropogenic Global Warming' Temperatures of the earth’s surface can change due to a number of natural reasons and these include increased volcanic activity, increased solar storms and radiation from the sun. However, these natural phenomenons are sporadic and they appear quickly, last for some time and then disappear. Nature and the environment then get an opportunity to stabilise and heal itself (Houghton, 2005, p. 45). However, since the industrial age when man started increasing his use of fossil fuels and also started using petroleum products, natural gas and thermal power plants, the impact on the environment has been severe. The use of these fossil fuels is almost non-stop and continues unabated through the year. Massive amount s of pollutants and greenhouse effect gases - GHG are released (Ruddiman, 2005, p. 76). These GHS are made of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur and other such gases. They spread in the atmosphere and re-radiate the suns rays from the atmosphere causing greenhouse effect that reheat the atmosphere and raise the temperatures. Natural carbon traps such as forests that absorb CO2 have been reduced in density. This means that less carbon is absorbed by the environment and temperatures continue to rise. Rapid urbanisation with an increase in the ‘concrete jungle’ means more heat is reflected into the atmosphere. The main reason for the increase in carbon emission as seen is due to human activity and this has given rise to the term ‘'Anthropogenic Global Warming’ (Emanuel, 2005, p. 89). 2.1. Proof and evidence Many respected and reputed organisations such as the United Nations have published data on global warming (UNFCC, 2012; Pachauri, 2007; IPCC, 2007). The year 1800 is taken as the base year when meaningful industrial activity started. The CO2 amount release in 1800 AD is taken as zero and by 2000; this figure had increased to 9 billion metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year. Similarly, the average temperatures of the atmosphere were considered as -0.4 degree centigrade in 1800. By 2000, the average temperature has increased by +0.6 degree centigrade and this is an overall increase of 1.2 degree centigrade. Worse is in store since UNO experts believe that if the present industrial activity and lifestyle continues without restraint, then the temperature build-up would be much quicker and exponential. By 2060, the average temperature rise over 1800 values would be 4 degree centigrade. At this stage, polar ice will have melted, many coastal cities and vast hinterlands would be underwater and there would probably be another ice age (Anderson, 2011). This is not some kind of fear mongering but simulations arrived at by powerful computers that have analysed weather patterns and temperature changes (Tirpak, 2005). 2.2. Counterviews of AGW Global warming and drastic climate change has unfortunately been dragged into political and corporate wars. Peden (2009) argues that AGW is nothing but a hoax started by businesspersons who want to cash in on the business opportunities that global warming provide. Chameides (2011) commenting on a news report from Fox News says that global warming is a natural phenomenon and it has been going on since earth was formed. Temperatures rise led

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Case 2 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2 - Case Study Example The number of users also gives the area and the activities where the energy drink will be much needed. In the analysis, it was determined that the energy drink in the United States that is highly consumed is Pepsi-Cola. The company hence should develop a strategy to adequately compete the product. This requires a selected group to be targeted (Fang & Rogerson, 2007). When Andrew Baker need to decide on a product line involving introduction of the brand as a single serve package or a multi-pack, the consideration to be taken into place is the volume of consumption of the targeted group of consumers. In the choice, introducing all the packages will be appropriate since the target consumer market have several characteristic of consumers with different taste and preferences. The alternatives that are available are those of mix packages including, single serve, multi-pack with the package size being 8-16-n 24 ounces. The versions that are available are those of regular and sugar free and flavors of one and two. Provision of the wide range will enable the company penetrate the market as there is consideration of health and medication factors in the products through the different flavors and versions (Fang & Rogerson, 2007). The calculations for sales and positioning are made with consideration of the price and the group that consume the drink. Adults for instance between the age of 35 and 54 have a higher consumption that the other ages. The problem that occurs in the choice of channel is the appropriate channel that the company can take to use so that they are able to reach all the consumers. The company used both off-premises and on-premises retailers with the problem in the decision on the retailers to initially supply. In making the decisions, the company should supply all the off-premises retailers as they will build and expand the market that they have for

Asylum Seekers in the United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Asylum Seekers in the United Kingdom - Essay Example Figure 1: Asylum seeker applications in the UK during 2000-2009 (Topic guide to Immigration Control and Asylum n.d.). This figure clearly reflects on the fact that the degree to which immigrants applied for asylum seeking in the UK has drastically minimized over the years. The present study would discuss why and how this has been possible, and whether the English law has been successful in dealing with asylum seekers effectively.  The present study focuses on an understanding of the concept of asylum seeking in the UK by individuals and discusses the fact that the legal system offered by the English Law on the issue of illegal asylum seekers is not sufficient in taking the correct decisions in regard to the asylum seekers. This considers the difficulty that the asylum seekers are encountered with in order to make their places in the country, as well as the ignorance of the law to assist these people, and hence the consequences of suffering of these people or their forceful entry in to the country.  In the UK, generally, the asylum seekers have to wait for around 2 months to even 6 years before their claims are accepted or refused. If the refugees have chosen UK, it is likely that they have someone known in the country. Any customary and obligatory introduction program is not provided by the UK for new arrivals in the country. For this reason, refugees and asylum seekers are required to get hold of information about livelihood and work in the UK from their own sources and any networks that exist and can help them out with guidance (Refugees and asylum seekers in the UK: The challenges of accessing education and employment 2009).  In the UK, in the present times, the UK Border Agency (BIA) supports the asylum seekers. The policy of the BIA allows offering all the asylum seekers facilities of accommodation on a basis of no-choice.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case 2 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2 - Case Study Example The number of users also gives the area and the activities where the energy drink will be much needed. In the analysis, it was determined that the energy drink in the United States that is highly consumed is Pepsi-Cola. The company hence should develop a strategy to adequately compete the product. This requires a selected group to be targeted (Fang & Rogerson, 2007). When Andrew Baker need to decide on a product line involving introduction of the brand as a single serve package or a multi-pack, the consideration to be taken into place is the volume of consumption of the targeted group of consumers. In the choice, introducing all the packages will be appropriate since the target consumer market have several characteristic of consumers with different taste and preferences. The alternatives that are available are those of mix packages including, single serve, multi-pack with the package size being 8-16-n 24 ounces. The versions that are available are those of regular and sugar free and flavors of one and two. Provision of the wide range will enable the company penetrate the market as there is consideration of health and medication factors in the products through the different flavors and versions (Fang & Rogerson, 2007). The calculations for sales and positioning are made with consideration of the price and the group that consume the drink. Adults for instance between the age of 35 and 54 have a higher consumption that the other ages. The problem that occurs in the choice of channel is the appropriate channel that the company can take to use so that they are able to reach all the consumers. The company used both off-premises and on-premises retailers with the problem in the decision on the retailers to initially supply. In making the decisions, the company should supply all the off-premises retailers as they will build and expand the market that they have for

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Make sure I'm an international student. I need this essay no longer

Make sure I'm an international student. I need this no longer than 250 wordsi need this as basic as you can and no need for advanced word - Essay Example Articles are characterized by political themes in earlier stages than in my country. For example, an assignment once asked students aged 18 to give views policy-making in America. In my country, the topics generally involve academic tours. Unlike America, cultural values are the key themes in my country. English 1301 aimed at developing essay writing. Emphasis was on argumentation and critical analysis. It was for both academic and personal purposes. For example, an assignment was once designed to test unity and logic of sentences. The pattern of sentences and choice of words was a key point. Summarization and paraphrasing will challenge me in English 1302. This is because I am not confident with my research skills from English 1301. Further, English 1302 is a progression of English 1301 (McWhorter and Aaron 4). I will need more instruction on critical and analytical reading from my professor to be able to pick key points. From my class, I need patience from study

Mountain Man Beer Company Essay Example for Free

Mountain Man Beer Company Essay Mr. Prangel as we all know Mountain Man Beer Company has been in the market over eight decades; manufacturing a beer known for its authenticity, quality and toughness. In all these years we have seen many regional breweries vanished by fatal decisions. Mountain Man Beer Company is still standing strong in the market, yet it has come the time to make a crucial decision regarding the future of our company. Before I present my recommendation I would like you to know that I am well aware of your father’s words when he talks about the company, when he says that â€Å"Mountain Man is still standing because we manufacture and exceptional beer with a great brand name, we have never lost sight of our core customer, and we have never been seduced by the other guy’s market†. Unfortunately due to changes in beer drinkers’ preferences and declines in sales for the first year, we need to consider different options to compensate for potential declines in sales in the coming years. Despite all our efforts to build brand equity in 2005 Mountain Man Lager Beer’s sales have declined for the first time in the history of the company by 2%, which could continue on the following years if no action is taken. On the other hand the Light Beer category, in which we have to presence at all, has been steadily gaining market share at a compound annual rate of 4% per year in the past 5 years. Light beer’s market share accounted for 50. 4% of volume sales in 2005. At this point we have two different options from which we can pick from with their pros and cons. The first strategy would be to keep doing what we are doing focusing on our core consumers, maintaining our company as a single product company. The second strategy, and the one I am recommending after looking at the industry’s numbers and different facts in the Beer industry, is to move to diversification of our product portfolio towards light beer to satisfy a new customer base, to catch up with the changing times and the lost in sales of our main product Mountain Man Lager Beer. Keep doing what we are doing The strategy consist in focusing in our core consumers and keeping our brand image of â€Å"Working man’s beer† as Oscar Prangel said â€Å"focusing on what we do best, not by attaching our brand to every conceivable version of a product. † Mountain Man Beer Company has been successful marketing to the blue collar, middle-to-lower income men over age 45, distinguishing from competitors with an old family brew resulting in a flavorful, bitter-tasting, high alcohol level beer, obtaining a brand loyalty rate of 53%. At the same time we have to take in consideration that the beer consumption in the US has declined 2. 3% plus the lost in market share of premium beers, going with this strategy could hurt the company in many ways. This strategy does not include introducing a light beer into the market, even though the market for light beer has been growing consistently 4% per year for the past 5 years. Pros:Keep brand image strong. No investment needed Focus on our core consumers. Cons:Beer consumption in US declined 2. 3% Sales decreased by 2% in 2005 (Appendix 1) 45 + years old beer drinkers are being overshadow by the key consumer segment for beer (21-27 years old) Light beer’s market is growing 4% per year while Premium beer has been losing 4% market share per year. Our Revenue will be considerably hurt in the next years (Appendix 2 3) Launch Mountain Man Light Mountain Man Beer Company will have to introduce a â€Å"light† beer to their product portfolio, to satisfy the growing demand of the younger beer drinkers and compensate the lost in sales of our main product Mountain Man Lager. Light beer is the fastest growing segment in the $75 billion beer industry in the US, accounting for 50. 4% and increasing at compound annual growth rate of 4%. There are many factors we need to take into consideration when launching Mountain Man Light, such as cannibalization, cost, and advertising. -We are shooting for a 0. 25% market share of the light beer consumption in 2006, while growing our share by a quarter of a percent per year the following years. We are projecting 48,735 barrels on 2006 (Appendix 4) -There is a risk of possible cannibalization from MM Light to MM Lager of 5% 20% according to Oscar. I will set cannibalization at 5% due to the fact that MM Lager drinkers consume our product for its roughness, and they are not likely to switch to a lighter version of MML. 25,480 barrels of beer will be cannibalize from MM Lager on 2006. (Appendix 5) -An advertising agency estimated that creating a 60% level of awareness for Mountain Man Light will cost $750,000 for an intensive six months. -Another cost to take in consideration is the increment selling general and administration which is $900,000 per year. -The cost of producing Mountain Man Light will be $71. 62 which is $4. 69 more than a Mountain Man Lager barrel, reducing our contribution margin from 31% to %26. 16. (Appendix 6) -We will see increase in Income and Revenue starting 2007 (Appendix 7) Appendix Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Mountain Man Sales Assuming 2% per year reduction Mountain Man Sales Assuming 2% per year reduction Appendix 3 Projected Income Statement | | | | Mountain Man Income Stament | 2005| 2006| 2007| | 520,000 Barrels| 509,600 Barrels| 499,408 Barrels | | | | | | | |. Net Revenue| | | 50,440,000 | 49,431,200 | 48,442,576 | | COGS| | | 34,803,600 | 34,107,528 | 33,425,377 | Gross Margin | | | 15,636,400 | 15,323,672 | 15,017,199 | | SGA| | | 9,583,600 | 9,391,928 | 9,204,089 | | Others| | | 1,412,320 | 1,384,074 | 1,412,320 | Operating Margin| | 4,640,480 | 4,547,670 | 4,400,789 | | Other Income| | 151,320 | 148,294 | 145,328 | Net Income Before Taxes| | 4,791,800 | 4,695,964 | 4,546,117 | | Provision for Income Tax| 1,677,130 | 1,631,230 | 1,598,605 | Net Income After Taxes| | 3,114,670 | 3,064,734 | 3,003,440 | Appendix 4Projected Market share| | | | | | | Year| Light Beer | MM Light| Market | | Consumption| 0. 25%| Share| | CAGR + %4| . +. 25% per year| | 2005| 18,744,303 | | 0. 00%| 2006| 19,494,075 | 48,735 | 0. 25%| 2007| 20,273,838 | 101,369 | 0. 50%| 2008| 21,084,792 | 158,136 | 0. 75%| | | | | Appendix 5 Cannibalize Barrels Cannibalize Barrels Contribution Margin Contribution Margin Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Projected Income Statement | | | | | Mountain Man Income Stament | 2005| 2006| 2007| | | 520,000| 484,120| 474,438 | BB Lager| | | | | | 74,215 | 126,339 | BB Light| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Net Revenue| | | $ 50,440,000 | $ 54,158,495 | $ 58,275,369 | | | COGS BB Lager| |. 34,803,600 | 32,402,151 | 31,754,135 | | | COGS BB Light| | | 5,315,278 | 9,048,399 | | Gross Margin | | | 15,636,400 | 16,441,066 | 17,472,834 | | | SGA (+900,000 yearly)| | | 9,583,600 | 11,190,114 | 11,072,320 | | | Others (+750,000)| | | 1,412,320 | 2,266,438 | 1,631,710 | | Operating Margin| | 4,640,480 | 2,984,514 | 4,768,804 | | | Other Income| | 151,320 | 162,475 | 174,826 | | Net Income Before Taxes| | 4,791,800 | 3,146,990 | 4,943,630 | | | Provision for Income Tax| 1,677,130 | 1,787,230 | 1,923,087 | | Net Income After Taxes| | 3,114,670 | 1,359,759 | 3,613,073 | |.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysis Of Wagyu Beef In Australia Economics Essay

Analysis Of Wagyu Beef In Australia Economics Essay This paper presents the strategic adviser specializing internationalization recommendation to company which pursue to grow their businesses overseas. First of all, this paper explains the business problem of this case that is the basis of expanding the business to the global market. Second, analyze the Wagyu beef with the consumer behavior in the US. And then present the policy and legalization in the US for Australian exporter. Next section is the basis and information of the ABC Company that needs to expand the business to the US. After that, the table presents the trend of value in the US and trend of import beef to the US. Moreover, this paper confirms the channel to expand the product, SWOT analysis, and PESTEL Framework. Lastly, this paper illustrates the approaches that can expand the product to international market. Introduction Nowadays, the beef market in Australia is limited because there are over suppliers in the market. Australia is the second largest farming to produce beef in the world, therefore many companies in Australia try to expand market share to international market. The US market is interested to export the product. There are three principle reasons to attract the exporter such as the number of people in the market, customer behavior and the culture and tradition. However, many companies get the failure from global business because they have the shortage knowledge in the cross culture and customer behavior. This paper analyzes the environment to expand the business to the US. The Business Problem ABC Company is the company that produces Wagyu, which is the premium beef. Australian beef market is growing to be the largest agriculture in 2009. Information from Australian Natural Resources Atlas confirms that Australia use the space to make the cattle farm approximately 220 million hectares that is the most area to spent in the agriculture industry. Therefore there are over suppliers in Australia. People in the country have many choices to choose beef in the domestic market. Moreover, beef market in Australia has the high competitive, so many cattle farmers try to find the markets that still have the power to purchase product. However, the companies have the good relationship with the customers because the companies produce the quality of product in order to make the loyalty of customers and repeat to purchase product with the companies. Market in the Australia has over suppliers and the limit customers, therefore the companies need to expand its product to the US that the large st market to consume beef. The beef market in the US is increasing to consume beef and the largest market in the world. Furthermore, most of people in the US eat beef that is the main food, so the number of beef is the second of all kind of meat. Indeed, the companies have more power to produce Wagyu beef, but the requirement in Australia has the limit because there are number of people in Australia approximately 22 million people that less than the US about 290 million people. The companies can expand the product in 10 times of the people in the domestic market. The companies should learn about the culture, legalization, behavior of the consumers, environment and more. Before the companies invest to expand business to there. However, this is the opportunity to extend the product to the large country.The US is the worlds richest market and Australias second biggest export purpose with a nine per cent share of Australias export market. The US is Australias only biggest market and ass et partner. Australia is the 14th biggest export endpoint for the US and the eighth biggest foreign investor in the USA. Analysis Wagyu Beef in Australia Wagyu or Kobe beef is the famous beef in the Japan. Wagyu has the good feather such as inherent marbling ability, softer fats enhancing meat flavor, high nutrition, finer meat texture, back fat not excessive.The beef industries produce and develop beef products for domestic and export markets especially the US market. Australia is one of the biggest exporters of beef in the world, trade that is very appreciated to its economy.Beef cattle production is extentthrough the country, and carried out under sodifferentsituations. While beef is a top farming export earner, there is increasing interest in other meat product such as pork, game such as deer, goat and buffalo (Australian Government, 2009). For Australian beef is guaranteed the quality by customers in Japan that the original country to produce Wagyu beef. Australia Wagyu Association is the organization that improves the quality of Wagyu beef to the global standard. Likewise, this organazation gives the knowledge to the farmers tha t the factor to produce the quality product. The good quality beef will get the good feed in all of their life. The food of them is the importance factor to build the good health for them and create the strong point to the product from Australia. Many countries accept the product from Australia USA business and economy and trade policy and custom regulation Kidane (2003) mentions that the United States is frequently established as one of the leader of destinations for foreign direct investment. Unquestionably, the legalization systems strengths point contributes to this case. The United States is the first country partial self-government on the base of morals. The legalization system in the US contains of three measures: executive, legislative, and judicial. It has been showed essentially that this construction can guarantee the legalization systems effective process. Some of characteristic features should be disturbed by the global investors. Anevaluation from the World Bank difficult 181 countries shows the United States ranks third for luxury of doing business overall, first with esteem to employing workers, and sixth in terms of enforcing contracts. In addition, the high quality of the U.S. legalization system overall is protected by the open investment policy, which is based on the standard of national management specifically, that international investors should not be preserved differently from domestic investors. Although no system is impeccable in all esteems, the United States is justifiably satisfied of the overall high quality of its legalization system and the level of international investment subject to its protection. Basic customer profile There are many kinds of consumer behaviors because the people in the US come from several countries. They have the difference ages, genders, races, regions, and incomes. Moreover, income levels in totally difference in the social that the factor to define the customer level in the company market. The target of ABC Company is the high income because the Wagyu beef has the high price and high quality. In terms of age and gender, there are the difference kinds of beef to eat as the number of consuming consist of male teenager had over 50 pounds per person in the ground beef. Moreover, there are the men ages between 20 and 39 old having about 30.35 pounds love to eat stake beef. Overall in female eat beef approximately 56.23 pounds per person. In stake category, there were only 3.96 pounds per person that means the female do not prefer to eat stake. The conclusion of statistic with the people in the US is the men love to eat beef more than the female approximately two times of total beef in the US market. On the part of geographic and income, residents of the Midwest expended the highest beef of any section, consuming at 72.92 pounds per capita. In the other word, American in the Northeast had the least beef, only 62.53 pounds per person (, 2009). Value of U.S. beef industry statistics for last five years in The US Year Value of U.S. beef industry 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 $70 billion $71 billion $71 billion $74 billion $76 billion Year U.S. cattle imports 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1.371 million head 1.816 million head 2.289 million head 2.495 million head 2.284 million head Follow this table (United Department of agriculture, 2009) there was a continue increasing in the consumer beef in the US. Then, the customers has expanded in this country, ABC Company can the import the product to support the needs in this market by using the appropriate strategy to present the product. In the part of quality, the company has the strength point to compete because the company develops and control cattle farm follow the law of Australia that guarantees the quality from the customer around the world. Moreover, the company has many experiences to make the business success in the Australia. In the other hands, the company does not have the experience in global market that has difference culture and customer behaviors. Firstly, the farmers in the US have the efficiency to produce the beef. Furthermore, they do not have the tariffs about the policy and legal system. The government supports the farmers in the country. However, ABC Company still has the premium product that has the niche market that is people love the premium beef for good healthy. Second, beef from Japan is the original country for Wagyu beef or Kobe beef. However, Japan has the limited areas to produce the product. Therefore, Most of Wagyu beef is imported from Australia because the quality of beef is quit same with beef in Japan. This point is the strong point to guarantee the beef that produce in Australia. Marketing and distribution channel to reach customers ABC Company should find the company that is the premium restaurant to make a joint venture. Joint venture means a prescribed contract joining together two or more groups for the objective of performing a specific business task. All of the groups accept to share in the benefit and damages of the enterprise (, 2009).This approach will help the company to distribute its product in the US. Moreover, joint venture is short term strategy in order to open the new market. First time in other market has high risk about the culture, and consumer behaviors. This way, the company reduces risk because the partner company has the knowledge and experience in this market. ABC Company should make the presentation only part of product and the belief to the target groups. Besides the partner company has the channel to distribute the products; therefore the company just adds the capacity to distribute the product and the ways to keep the quality of product to the customers. SWOT analysis Strengths Firstly the research to develop the quality of product is the Australian Natural Resources Atlas. From the research, Wagyu beef which produce in Australia is accepted in the several countries and push Australia to be the second exporter in the world. Secondly, Wagyu beef that produce in Australia has the good quality for healthy because the fat in beef is softer fats enhancing meat flavor, high nutrition, finer meat texture, back fat not excessive. It is the best beef quality and reduces the risk of fat excessive. Lastly, ABC Company has long term experience in domestic market; hence the company has the knowledge in requirement of product and the standard of quality. Weakness First, ABC Company does not have the experience in the US market that has the difference customer behaviors from Australia. Moreover, the culture in purchasing, distribution is totally difference from Australia. No one knows the ABC brand that popular in Australia; the company has to make the advertising to present the product to the customer in the US. Then geographic factor, the company has the import cost that add in the product. Besides, when the company has the problems in the other country, it cannot solve the problem immediately because of geographic concern. Opportunity The US is the largest market to consume beef; there is the number of people more than people in Australia approximately 290 million people or 10 times of Australian people. And the import policy for Australia exports product not too much conditions. The US beef market continues grow for the exporter. The customer in US considers the quality of beef in the first priority and concern about the customer healthy. Wagyu can response in the healthy topics of the customer behavior. Threats The domestic farmers are growing to compete with the exporter. The number of local farmer is increasing from supporting of government. In the part of price, the price of beef in the local is lower than the beef from Australia. That factor makes the weak point to Australian exporter. However, the target group of the company is the groups that love the high quality beef, so the price is not the main factor to make a decision. PESTEL Framework Political in the US concentrate in the free trade market, so ABC Company can get the competitive advantage. From this point, the law does not prevent the foreign company to invest in the US. The readjustment of American global free trade agreement device has an important consequence on the development of world economic incorporation. Economic part, as the worlds largest trading nation, the United States of America is the worlds principal importer. In 2008, the total U.S. trade shortage was $695.9 billion, which contains $2.5 trillion in imports (Willis, 2009). The US has a growing number of agriculture imported products from Australia, who appears to increase more chances in trades between the US and Australia. Australian beef is one of the most competitive beef products in the world. Social, American had beef for a long time both of the Native American and the people in the city. Many restaurants have the beef that is the main thing in cooking such as hamburger that the popular food uses ground beef in the main category. In term of kind of beef, most of people love to eat the beef that soft with the marbling that has the red meat switch a bit fat. Wagyu beef or Kobe beef has the quality both meat and fat color and especially for taste. Technology, Australia Wagyu Association is established in order to reaction a real demand and need for quality figures that improves from the marbling bulgy in the Japanese heredities. As the result, the company uses the information to make the good quality product. Environmental, most of people in the US eat beef approximately 70 pounds per person. Also there was a rapid increasing in the percentage of importer beef to the US from 1.38 billion pounds to 2.64 billion pounds between 2007 and 2009. From this information, ABC Company has the occasion to extend the market to the US; there are many demands in this market and the power to chase the premium beef. Legal, the US tries to support the farmers in domestic. As the result, the price of beef in the US decreases, so the competitive advantage of the foreign producer is falling because the foreign farmer has transportation cost and custom cost. Conclusions and recommendations ABC Company needs to expand the product to the international market because of the over suppliers in the domestic market. Therefore, the US market that still has the power to purchase the product is the target for ABC Company. However, the company should have the quality of product to attract the customers. The price of product should be defined by comparing with the competitors in the market. Moreover, the strategy to distribute the product is the importance factor to keep the quality and make the difference from other rivals. Promotion is the factor to create the competitive advantage to the company. In the first period, the company should reduce the price and make the advertising to present the product in the market and find the target in the luxury restaurant and premium market.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Flawless Use of Parallelism in Shakespeares King Lear :: King Lear essays

Flawless Use of Parallelism in King Lear      Ã‚   Many twists and turns characterize the television soap operas of today. Subplots are a distinctive trait of these daylight dramas, for they keep audience on the edge of their seats. Subplots keep the material fresh and the audience wanting more. Shakespeare uses secondary plots as a literary device to greatly dramatize the action of the play and to spark a contrast to his underlying themes in King Lear. The secondary plots can incalculably improve the effect of dramatic irony and suspense. The effective usage of subplots in King Lear, as a form of parallelism, exhibits analogous traits of prominent characters. Using such literary device permits the audience to understand the emotions of the essential characters in the play. The magnificent similarity of different plots and characters can illustrate Shakespeare's perfect use of parallelism in King Lear.    Parallelism is greatly enhanced by the use of subplots, for it creates emphasis and suspense. The parallel between Lear and Gloucester displayed in the play cannot possibly be accidental. The subplot of Gloucester corresponds the major plot of Lear. The two fathers have their own loyal legitimate child, and their own evil and disloyal kin. Gloucester and Lear are both honorable men, who have children that return to them in their time of need, and are sightless to the truth. Like Lear, Gloucester is tormented, and his favored child recovers his life; he is tended and healed by the child whom he has wronged. Their sufferings are traceable to their extreme folly and injustice, and to a selfish pursuit of their pleasure. In the early beginning of King Lear, Cordelia says that her love for her father is the love between father and daughter, no more, no less.    "Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth: I love your majesty According to my bond; nor more nor less." (Shakespeare.I.i.93-95)    In response, Lear flies into a rage, disowns Cordelia, and divides her share of the kingdom between her two unworthy sisters. Such folly and injustice is encountered by Gloucester in the secondary plot.    "O villain, villain! His very opinion in the letter. Abhorred villain, unnatural, detested, brut- ish villain; worse than brutish! Go, sirrah, seek him. I'll apprehend him. Abominable villain! Where is he?" (I.ii.80-84)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Medicine in Ancient Egypt as seen by the Archaeological Evidence of Pap

The Ancient Egyptian civilization’s development centered around the luxurious, green and fertile Nile river. Astonishingly, they accurately predicted Nile floods to produce surplus crops and allow the growth of society and culture. In the North of Africa, Egyptians flourished until 525 BC. The lands were ruled by powerful pharaohs who provided dominance and control to their people. The Egyptians every day lives centered around an elaborate system of religious and spiritual beliefs. In tribute to their religious beliefs, pharaohs and gods, the Egyptians built breath taking monuments that often included decoration and hieroglyphs that were symbolizations of their spirituality. The amazing architecture and the mystery to how they built these gigantic structures is one of the most intriguing issues of the ancient world. However, the aspect of society and culture also inspire individuals to ask questions about how the Ancient Egyptians went about their everyday lives, and how the y managed to develop such a civilized way of living. The illustrations that adorned tombs, and monuments all around Egypt added insight into the lives of the Ancients. Along with the development of writing, the depiction of effective use in medicine became evident. â€Å"Medicine was one of the oldest professions in the Nile valley.†(White 1970) Their medical practices were highly advanced for their time and included several doctors and medical practioners. Medical care was provided by workers who laid claim to specific title such as a specailist in animal bites. Or patients would resort to traditional cures handed down throughout generations.(Donadoni 1990) Doctoral specialization was apparently related to the fields of expertise and included surgeons, general pr... ...nderstanding of human anatomy. The Kahun Gynaecological papyrus was the first to acknowledge the female anatomy almost solely. Ancients were able to detect pregnancy, as well as how to prevent pregnancy. The Kahun papyrus also included a short section on veterinary medicine which shows their level of understanding of animals anatomy as well. The Hearst papyrus is composed of several general medical problems and how to treat them. Finally, the Berlin papyrus is made up of several sections including : general treatments and diagnoses, gynaecological prescriptions, and a large portion dedicated to spells and magic. Overall, as shown by the five papyri the Ancient Egyptians had an extremely civilized manner of diagnosing and treating common aliments of their time. Their incredible knowledge not only human but animal anatomy allowed them to successfully treat patients. Medicine in Ancient Egypt as seen by the Archaeological Evidence of Pap The Ancient Egyptian civilization’s development centered around the luxurious, green and fertile Nile river. Astonishingly, they accurately predicted Nile floods to produce surplus crops and allow the growth of society and culture. In the North of Africa, Egyptians flourished until 525 BC. The lands were ruled by powerful pharaohs who provided dominance and control to their people. The Egyptians every day lives centered around an elaborate system of religious and spiritual beliefs. In tribute to their religious beliefs, pharaohs and gods, the Egyptians built breath taking monuments that often included decoration and hieroglyphs that were symbolizations of their spirituality. The amazing architecture and the mystery to how they built these gigantic structures is one of the most intriguing issues of the ancient world. However, the aspect of society and culture also inspire individuals to ask questions about how the Ancient Egyptians went about their everyday lives, and how the y managed to develop such a civilized way of living. The illustrations that adorned tombs, and monuments all around Egypt added insight into the lives of the Ancients. Along with the development of writing, the depiction of effective use in medicine became evident. â€Å"Medicine was one of the oldest professions in the Nile valley.†(White 1970) Their medical practices were highly advanced for their time and included several doctors and medical practioners. Medical care was provided by workers who laid claim to specific title such as a specailist in animal bites. Or patients would resort to traditional cures handed down throughout generations.(Donadoni 1990) Doctoral specialization was apparently related to the fields of expertise and included surgeons, general pr... ...nderstanding of human anatomy. The Kahun Gynaecological papyrus was the first to acknowledge the female anatomy almost solely. Ancients were able to detect pregnancy, as well as how to prevent pregnancy. The Kahun papyrus also included a short section on veterinary medicine which shows their level of understanding of animals anatomy as well. The Hearst papyrus is composed of several general medical problems and how to treat them. Finally, the Berlin papyrus is made up of several sections including : general treatments and diagnoses, gynaecological prescriptions, and a large portion dedicated to spells and magic. Overall, as shown by the five papyri the Ancient Egyptians had an extremely civilized manner of diagnosing and treating common aliments of their time. Their incredible knowledge not only human but animal anatomy allowed them to successfully treat patients. Medicine in Ancient Egypt as seen by the Archaeological Evidence of Pap The Ancient Egyptian civilization’s development centered around the luxurious, green and fertile Nile river. Astonishingly, they accurately predicted Nile floods to produce surplus crops and allow the growth of society and culture. In the North of Africa, Egyptians flourished until 525 BC. The lands were ruled by powerful pharaohs who provided dominance and control to their people. The Egyptians every day lives centered around an elaborate system of religious and spiritual beliefs. In tribute to their religious beliefs, pharaohs and gods, the Egyptians built breath taking monuments that often included decoration and hieroglyphs that were symbolizations of their spirituality. The amazing architecture and the mystery to how they built these gigantic structures is one of the most intriguing issues of the ancient world. However, the aspect of society and culture also inspire individuals to ask questions about how the Ancient Egyptians went about their everyday lives, and how the y managed to develop such a civilized way of living. The illustrations that adorned tombs, and monuments all around Egypt added insight into the lives of the Ancients. Along with the development of writing, the depiction of effective use in medicine became evident. â€Å"Medicine was one of the oldest professions in the Nile valley.†(White 1970) Their medical practices were highly advanced for their time and included several doctors and medical practioners. Medical care was provided by workers who laid claim to specific title such as a specailist in animal bites. Or patients would resort to traditional cures handed down throughout generations.(Donadoni 1990) Doctoral specialization was apparently related to the fields of expertise and included surgeons, general pr... ...nderstanding of human anatomy. The Kahun Gynaecological papyrus was the first to acknowledge the female anatomy almost solely. Ancients were able to detect pregnancy, as well as how to prevent pregnancy. The Kahun papyrus also included a short section on veterinary medicine which shows their level of understanding of animals anatomy as well. The Hearst papyrus is composed of several general medical problems and how to treat them. Finally, the Berlin papyrus is made up of several sections including : general treatments and diagnoses, gynaecological prescriptions, and a large portion dedicated to spells and magic. Overall, as shown by the five papyri the Ancient Egyptians had an extremely civilized manner of diagnosing and treating common aliments of their time. Their incredible knowledge not only human but animal anatomy allowed them to successfully treat patients.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Heteronormativity Kritik Essay

This chapter is about sex, but not the sex that people already have clarity about. ‘Outer space’ as a human, political domain is organized around sex, but a ‘sex’ that is tacitly located, and rarely spoken, in official discourse. The poli ­ tics of outer space exploration, militarization and commercialization as they are conceived of and practiced in the US, embody a distinction between public and private (and appropriate behaviours, meanings and identities therein) highly dependent upon heteronormative hierarchies of property and propriety. The central aim of this chapter is to show how US outer space discourse, an imperial discourse of technological, military and commercial superiority, configutes and prescribes success and successful behaviour in the politics of outer space in particularly gendered forms. US space discourse is, I argue, predicated on a heteronormative discourse of conquest that reproduces the dominance of heterosexual masculinity(ies), and which hierarchically orders the construction of other (subordinate) gender identities. Reading the politics of outer space as heteronormative suggests that the discourses through which space exists consist of institutions, structures of understanding, practical orientations and regulatory practices organized and privileged around heterosexuality. As a particularly dominant discursive arrangement of outer space politics, US space discourse (re)produces meaning through gendered assumptions of exploration, colonization, economic endeavour and military conquest that are deeply gendered whilst presented as universal and neutral. US space discourse, which dominates the contemporary global politics of outer space, is thus formed from and upon institutions, structures of understanding, and practical orientations that privilege and normalize heterosexualiry as universal. As such, the hegemonic discursive rationalizations of space exploration and conquest ,re)produce both heterosexuality as ‘unmarked’ (that is, thoroughly normal ­ ized) and the heterosexual imperatives that constitute suitable space-able people, practices and behaviours. As the introduction to this volume highlights, the exploration and utilization of outer space can thus far be held up as a mirror of, rather than a challenge to, existent, terrestrially-bound, political patterns, behaviours and impulses. The new possibilities for human progress that the application and development of space technologies dares us to make are grounded only in the strategy ­ obsessed (be it commercially, militarily or otherwise) realities of contemporary global politics. Outer space is a conceptual, political and material space, a place for collisions and collusions (literally and metaphorically) between objects, ideas, identities and discourses. Outer space, like international relations, is a global space always socially and locally embedded. There is nothing ‘out there’ about outer space. It exists because of us, not in spite of us, and it is this that means that it only makes sense in social terms, that is, in relation to our own constructions of identity and social location. In this chapter, outer space is the problematic to which I apply a gender analysis; an arena wherein past, current and future policy-making is embedded in relation to certain performances of power and reconfigurations of identity that are always, and not incidentally, gendered. Effective and appropriate behaviour in the politics of ourer space is configured and prescribed in particularly gendered forms, with heteronormative gender regulations endowing outer space’s hierarchies of technologically superior, conquesting performance with theif everyday power. It is through gender that US techno-strategic and astro-political discourse has been able to (re)produce outer space as a heterosexualized, masculinized realm. Heteronormativity K 1NC 2. The drive to colonize space precludes queer identities and concretizes sexual difference. This reinforces heterosexism and turns women into commodities. Casper and Moore 95 (Monica J. , Ph. D in sociology from the University of California, San Francisco, feminist scholar and researcher on reproductive justice. Lisa Jean, Ph. D in sociology from the University

Thursday, October 10, 2019

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” (O’Connor) vs. “The Death of Tommy Grimes” (Meaddough) Essay

â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is a more successful and compelling piece of literature than â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†. Both stories focus on traditionalism, human nature in times of death and obligation. However, â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is far more successful due to its efficient use of characterization, atmosphere and the grotesque. â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is clearly the superior piece of art. Both â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† and â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† focus intently on tradition’s effects on society through the use of characterization, but â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is far more successful in delivering its message. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† uses the younger generations as well as the older generations of the family (from grandparents to children) to portray a decline in moral stability and Christian beliefs; an example of how tradition, meant to maintain these beliefs and morals, can be easily corrupted. â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† communicates this same message through the strictly traditionalist character of the father, whose racism is shown to be extremely destructive to our society. Because of his unquestioning belief in racist traditions, he has influenced his own son to adhere to the racist tendencies prevalent in the South during their time. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† is extr emely subtle in its anti-traditionalist message, its most effective example being a subtle allusion to a lurking evil in the highly traditional character of the grandmother, showing the fact that personal flaws are often disguised by a strong belief in the values of tradition. Her misuse of her Christian tradition is brought to attention through the words of the Misfit: â€Å"‘She would have been a good woman,’ the Misfit said, ‘if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life.'(O’Connor 11)† â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is much more straightforward in its anti-traditionalist message, emphasizing its stance through the remarkably blunt words of the father: â€Å"‘Boys, I wanna tell you my boy became a man today. Yessir, killed his first n****r.’ (Meaddough 413)† The child then belongs to their ironically infantile world of men, and is taken as one of their own by the bar’s stereotypically racist Southerners. This message is condensed to fit the last page of the story, leaving the message short but also driving its point across in a way that is extremely hard to miss. For this reason, â€Å"The  Death of Tommy Grimes† is the better of the two stories in terms of accomplishing its task. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† uses the characters of the children to show its views on tradition’s dangerous effects as it is passed down and either mutilated or ignored throughout multiple generations. The children’s rudeness and apathy for the well-being of others is a hard-hitting example of the nature of immorality. â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† not only uses the character of the father as an example in its pro-traditionalist message, it also maintains the father as a fully necessary and functional three-dimensional character throughout the story. Although â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† would function as a story without the inclusion of the children, it is easy to see that their primary purpose in the story is to show the damage inflicted by a lack of morals. However, â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† uses its characters to their fullest potential, again alleviating its success in delivering its message of anti-traditionalism. For these reasons, â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is superior to â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† in communicating its message on traditionalism through the use of characterization. â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† both use their atmosphere to portray human nature during times of death; however, â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is far more successful because it does so without taking away from other aspects of the story. Throughout â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes†, the son’s fear of killing and the father’s repeated use of the word â€Å"buck† without directly referring to a deer gives a strong aura that something is not as it seems on the surface. Although the foreshadowing is not direct, a sense of uneasiness and an aura of evil are given off, imbuing the story with a dark and foreboding atmosphere. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† gives multiple direct references to The Misfit and his evil ways throughout the story, and refers to him in such a way that there would be no logical explanation for his inclusion in the story were he not to interfere directly with the aff airs of the family. This use of foreshadowing is too direct, and although it certainly adds to the atmospheric uneasiness, it also reveals parts of the story too early on, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. Both of these atmospheric devices lead to a climax in which death is very clearly present. Both stories also contain both metaphorical  and literal deaths; â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† containing the literal death of the sickeningly dehumanized prey and the metaphorical death of Tommy in his passage into â€Å"manhood†, and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† portraying the gruesome deaths of the members of the family as well as the internal death of the Misfit who has been metaphorically killed by the society that has mutilated his life. This change in both stories from seemingly normal events into situations where death is present in multiple ways adds to the atmosphere, which shifts from light to dark quite quickly. However, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† becomes slightly pretentious after its dark atmosphere has settled in, turning to a long and unrealistic dialogue between the grandmother and the Misfit, a device that is seemingly present only in order to allow O’Connor to communicate her views on the grandmother’s selfishness in death, a message which was mysteriously absent throughout the beginning of the story, without so much as an allusion or foreshadowing to indicate that this message is the true theme of the story. This dialogue actually detracts from the atmosphere of the story by being too obvious in its attempt to redeem the story as a social commentary: â€Å"I wasn’t there, so I can’t say (Christ) didn’t (raise the dead),† The Misfit said. â€Å"I wisht I had of been there,† he said, hitting the ground with his fist. â€Å"It ain’t right I wasn’t there because if I had of been there I would of known and I wouldn’t be like I am now.† His voice seemed about to crack and the grandmother’s head cleared for an instant†¦ â€Å"Why you’re one of my babies. You’re one of my own children!† (O’Connor 11) Although both â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† and â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† successfully show human nature during times of death through their use of atmosphere, â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is clearly more effective because it finds a way to do so without detracting from other aspects of the story. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† and â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† both deal with the issue of obligation through the use of the grotesque, but â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† gives an example better suited to accomplishing its goal. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† shows the grandmother’s belief that both her children and grandchildren hold a strong obligation to her, as though the  mere fact that they belong to her lineage means they have inherited a debt of obedience. However, at the same time she shows no obligation whatsoever to her family during a time of extreme desperation, choosing merely to continue struggling for her own life rather than making any attempt to save those around her. Although she calls out the name of her son, she makes no attempt to discourage the Misfit from killing his wife or daughter, nor does she give any recognition to the fact that her grandson has also been killed. This shows a very confused and selfish sense of obligation, a willingness to receive but not to give. â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† delves into what is arguably an even more grotesque example in order to demonstrate the potential flaws in obligation. The son’s strict devotion to his father leads a boy who could once not bring himself to take the life of a small animal to sufficiently alter his mind to a point at which he could bring himself to shoot a human being. His views of his father as being a role model in his life leads to his inevitable personal death, forcing him to abandon his morals in favor of his obligation to his father: And he though how it must be for Pa when the other man bragged about their boys, and him so scared to kill a weasel, and he knew what he had to do. â€Å"Pa,† he murmered, â€Å"think maybe I could go a time at that old buck?† (Meaddough 409) The son feels, as most sons do, a natural obligation to his father, and this obligation allows him to demoralize himself and to dehumanize another man, succumbing to racism and evil. Although both stories are very successful in using the grotesque to portray the perils of obligation, â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† uses an example that is unveiled more suddenly and also more callously. Rather than showing any one character as having a truly difficult time coping with the horrible nature of the incident, it portrays the racist men as encouraging and applauding the activity, and the son as succumbing to the beliefs of these men and re-evaluating his actions as being almost acceptable. It demonstrates that the grotesque can be normalized through a strong enough feeling of obligation. Although â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† also demonstrates an apathy towards the grotesque in the character of the Misfit, it shows reasons for his apathy through his hard and troubled past.  On the other hand, Tommy Grimes has been raised in a relatively â€Å"normal† and â€Å"happy† upbringing (his father’s racism being the one downfall that is mentioned). It is because of this acceptance of such a terrible incident that â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is the more successful of the two stories in portraying its message on obligation through the use of the grotesque. Although â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† clearly share much in common, it is obvious that â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† is the far superior story. Throughout the stories’ common themes of traditionalism, human nature in times of death, and obligation, â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† maintains more well-supported, believable and well-communicated messages than â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†. Its characterization, atmosphere and use of the grotesque are vital to its success, and Meaddough demonstrates a proficiency in the use of these literary techniques superior to O’Connor. â€Å"The Death of Tommy Grimes† prevails over a â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† in many ways, and is a far more efficient and successful piece of literature.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How Apple Does It (Time Magazine Oct 24 2005) Essay

How Apple Does It (Time Magazine Oct 24 2005) - Essay Example 1 According to the conventional wisdom, described in the article, the Apple is operating like closed mini economy, and thus the company might be doomed as it attempts to do everything at once. Apple produced hardware, operating system for it and programs; traditional approach would allow Apple to license some of its products to other companies that specialize in the development of the products and then access the products produced by the companies mentioned. However in my opinion, the company would really increase the efficiency and competitiveness of its products if it followed more traditional approach as in this case, new innovations and consequently new products might appear much quicker, then the current policy adopted by the company. Huge diversification in one company might erode specialization, which is the cornerstone of innovations; it certainly does mean that differentiation and strategy adopted by Apple might not be successful in some circumstances, as the example of ipod clearly indicates, yet in my opinion it was rather the exception from the rule rather than the result of it. In order to access the effectiveness of the strategy implemented by the company, one should understand the princ... In spite of the fact that this product is just several years old, none of the competitors of Apple so far has been able to provide its customers with identical products of digital music industry. So the price of the Ipod certainly reflects some unique added features related to this product. Another element of competitive advantage strategy is the differentiation focus, when the company attempts to differentiate within the segment of the targeted audience. In this case the company should provide the customers with the product that matches the needs of the customers in the situation when current products of the competitors may not meet the needs of the targeted customers. All this features are present in this case as ipod has many unique features not available in the products of the competitors. Let us evaluate the this product within five forces model designed by Michael Porter that comprises the threat of new competitors, the threat of entry in the market, the threat of substitutes, the threat of bargaining power of suppliers and buyers.3 The threat of competitors. Not strong. Sony has started providing the customers with its new product- mini version of Walkman at the end of 2004. According to the research conducted by Moseberg, journalist from the Wall Street Journal, new mini player of Sony was thinner and wider, thus design was more convenient in use, as well as the battery life of the product was much longer. 4 However, when the Sony products appeared in the market the ipod was still unbeatable in the speed with which MP3 songs could be transferred to the player; whereas it took 2 hours and 13 minutes to transfer the 416 to the player of Sony, it took less than five minutes to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Careers in Lodging and Food and Beverage Industries Essay - 4

Careers in Lodging and Food and Beverage Industries - Essay Example Lodging is basically a form of residential accommodation where people who travel and live away from home for some times can rent to sleep and perform common household functions. Publishing (2009) states that, lodging is mainly done in hotels, private homes, hostels, tents among others. In the lodging industries there are numerous management careers which eligible employees in the sector can engage in, these careers include; general management , events coordination, housekeeping, sales management , purchasing , security management, accounting and finance among others. General management is concerned with the conduct of activities in the lodging and ensuring that everything in all areas is in accord with what is planned. The house keeping career entails maintaining order in lodging facilities and ensuring that rooms are keep tidy all the time. Housekeeping managers are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that customers are comfortable in the rooms of residence. The lodging indu stry involves a lot of money transaction between customers and the lodge management. In this regard accounting and finance mangers are required in order to supervise these money transactions. Therefore, accounting and finance career entails booking keeping, preparation and interpretation of financial statements for proper decision making. Millions of people secure job vacancies in the food and beverages industry every year (Ojugo, 2010). Management careers that may be offered in the food and beverage industry include operations management, catering, consultant, events management, human resource management, accounting and finance among others. Operations manager is required in order plan and organize the way work should be done. In fact, operation management requires individuals with credible administration skills in order to ensure that guidelines are given accordingly. Catering